As the saying goes, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Or so I hope. I can vouch for the in like a lion part. One day here in Ohio we're enjoying almost sixty degree weather and the next day we're tolerating snow. It's slowly melting away, but not nearly fast enough for my liking. On the bright side, however, it's no longer dark at five o'clock!
So while we wait for March to warm up some here at the Stewart house, we continue home schooling, we recover from colds and coughs, and we try on dresses at Kohl's. Well, Emily tries on dresses, and I take pictures of the amazing event as we Stewart girls aren't known for dress wearing.
And, of course, I read wonderful picture books. This week I read two books. I read
Accident by Andrea Tsurumi and
Little Penguin Gets The Hiccups by Tadgh Bentley.
Accident is a colorful book about____ you guessed it, accidents. Lola Armadillo spills a drink on the living room chair and in a panic decides she must run away to the library and live there until she is grown up because they have books and bathrooms. Along the way she runs into many others having not so great days of there own. In the end, she realizes that accidents happen to everyone and it is just bet to fess up. The illustrations are quite detailed and you'll want to take extra time looking at each scene a you read this adorable story.

And I don't know about you, but I enjoy every part of a book from the end papers to the author and illustrator's biographies. In the case of both of these books, the author and the illustrator were one in the same, but I was surprised to find out that the author/illustrator of Little Penguin Gets the Hiccups, Tadgh, is actually from my neck of the woods. He currently lives in the Hocking Hills Area of Ohio, a place I have visited and enjoyed many times.
And Little Penguin with his hiccups he can't get rid of made me laugh. Emily often gets hiccups and we use the same cure Little Penguins friend uses. I don't want to give too much away, so I'll let you read and find out just what that cure is yourself.
I enjoyed another surprise when I looked through my stack of library books. I had also picked up a second book by Tadgh Bentley which I will share with you next week.
Well, that about wraps it up for this week. Join me next week for another exciting episode, same crazy time, same crazy channel. Also be sure to drop by
Literacy Musings Mondays for more great blogs as well as my personal website
Fun With Aileen where you will find more on reading, writing, and my very own chapter and picture books. And finally, you can find me on
twitter if you want an extremely brief glimpse into my days.