Once again we are headed into that wonderful, beautiful, and completely busy season which starts with the approach of autumn and lasts til the end of the year. There is the beginning of the school year where both adults and children alike have to adjust to getting up early, a new schedule, and going to bed early. For me, it also means I have to start scheduling my time to fit in all the holiday party preparations, field trips, and teacher projects I am involved in as the second grade room mother.
Besides my school projects, I will also have the inevitable leaves to rake along with family holiday preparations, the children's display case I am in charge of at the library, my weekly co-blog, the upcoming Kentucky Book Fair, and four craft fairs. Not to mention a school walk-a-thon, an Ohio Mom Blogger's meeting, a couple of birthdays, Black Friday, Christmas shopping, and a January birthday to plan for my daughter. And believe me when I say it will take me from now until January to plan the party especially if it involves painting cardboard scenery!
Oh, and did I mention that I am repainting my kitchen cupboards and my outdoor shed? Like I said, the start of the busy season. The funny thing is, that I love to be busy and have things penciled in my schedule book. Don't get me wrong, I like to relax as much as the next person; but sometimes it's nice to be busy and feel like you are getting a lot accomplished.

And sometimes I even manage to fit in a fun project like the basic illustration project I am working on while my daughter is at school. Normally I just write material and I don't illustrate because I sadly lack the natural drawing talent, but recently I participated in a live session with famed author Jarret J. Krosoczka. He made illustrating look so easy (I certainly can attest to the fact that it is not) that I thought I would give it a try. I never would have guessed that you should sketch your rough draft in a blue colored pencil because it won't show up when you scan the finished product; and since I don't have the talent to use Indian ink like Jarret to outline the final product, I just use a black sharpie. Then I whiz it off to my paint program and color it in.Granted my illustrations are pretty basic and still need some work, but they are pretty exciting to make.
So what is going to keep you busy this season?
Signing off for now with wishes for a bright and beautiful day!