Recently my publisher arranged a book signing for me in a used book store in Marion, Ohio. So as instructed, I called the book store owner to verify the date and time of my signing. As Carl and I spoke I told him I would have some posters printed up and I would drop one off to be used in his window for advertisement. He was agreeable to this and went on to tell me that the authors that have the best signings in his shop are those that promote the event themselves.
Marion is about a forty five minute drive from where I live and I am not at all that familiar with the area or the people that live there; so at first, this seemed to be a difficult obstacle to overcome. Ever resourceful though, I quickly put on my thinking cap and set about to find a solution. As I was contemplating what to do, I remembered that my husband works with a man that lives in Marion. "Do you think Bob would be willing to take some flyers and place them at locations in Marion?" I asked hesitantly. My husband promised to ask that night when he went to work.
As it turned out, Bob was extremely happy to help me. He promised to post a flyer on the bulletin at his church. He also said he would ask the manager at the local Circle K, where he is a regular customer, if they would be willing to put one in their window. Leaving no stone unturned, Bob also said he would ask around and see if there were any other spots that might be suitable for posting my flyers.
I then remembered that my husband and I have a friend from a neighboring town that works in a factory outside of Marion. Surely, I thought, some of the people she works with must live in or around Marion. So, I e-mailed her and asked if she would be willing to pass out business cards with my signing information written on the backs to interested parties. She too gladly agreed to help.
Because I was not afraid to ask for help, I went from no contacts or prospects of contacts in the Marion area to two really good contacts willing to help me promote. I find that people are generally happy to help; they are just waiting to be asked.
Signing off for now with wishes for a bright and beautiful day!